UBCOM acts to prevent cyber risk

The agency advises and proposes concrete solutions for cyber defense, secrecy protection and digital sovereignty.

The 4 expertises of UBCOM

A ransomware attack takes place

every 0 seconds

Source : Kaspersky Lab

0 % of malware

are delivered by mail

Source : Data breach investigation report de Verizon
0 % of workers

are trapped by phishing

Source : Stoïk

3 reasons to use UBCOM

Protection of
the organization

UBCOM supports all organizations, regardless of their sector of activity.
Our experts have already assisted large industrial entities – both public and private – including the media, healthcare companies to protect patient data, luxury goods companies to protect them from counterfeiting, start-ups and biotech companies to protect their innovations, as well as lawyers who defend victims of terrorism.

Protection of

UBCOM also provides political protection of the information.
Thanks to our mastery of all local constitutions, regulations and laws, we can ensure the protection of the owner of the information and his intellectual property. The culture of secrecy anchored by its Swiss nationality plays a major role.

Protection of
free will

UBCOM produces defense strategies by taking part in the political debate on digital sovereignty.
Our experts take a geostrategic and geopolitical approach to cybersecurity. By ensuring the protection of tactical and strategic data of companies, we guarantee their financial security and their free will.