UBCOM, a cyber player on the Luxembourg scene
“The political free will of European citizens depends on just one thing: digital sovereignty” – Frans Imbert-Vier Discover the interview
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“The political free will of European citizens depends on just one thing: digital sovereignty” – Frans Imbert-Vier Discover the interview
According to a recent study carried out by the Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (ANSSI – French
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee set up the World Wide Web to facilitate the sharing of information, files and e-mail. The
This is where we share our consolidated research with you.
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You can download them for free, and you will find all our cyber tips and best practices, cyber and geopolitical trends, statistics and reports on critical situations.
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Considered as the largest cybersecurity event in Europe, the International Cybersecurity Forum (FIC) is a major opportunity for state and
After our 7th participation to the FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum) 2022 in Lille, we would like to thank the Swiss
To build your cybersecurity, it is not enough to install a firewall and a VPN on your IT tools.
We propose you to be accompanied by cyber experts and to benefit from an adapted strategy in 5 steps.