Contact us

SUISSE (siège social)

Rue du Rhône 5
CH-1920 Martigny
+41 27 722 47 57


47 boulevard Joseph II
L-1840 Luxembourg
+352 661 444 067


DNA CASCAIS, R. Cruz de Popa
2645-449 Alcabideche
+351 924 005 454


17 rue d'Arcole
75004 Paris
+33 06 60 40 18 59

Martigny, Suisse

Paris, France


Lisbonne, Portugal


Yes. Each cyber offer is tailored according to a grid of needs mostly related to the industry and the size of the organization. Nevertheless, we always take into account the entire environment to be protected as well as the level of sensitivity of the information you are handling. Thus, if your needs require a customized offer, contact us to build it together.
A vulnerability scan is used to detect and identify security flaws in your infrastructure. Once completed, it allows you to correct all the vulnerabilities that have been detected by launching the necessary patches, upgrades and updates on your servers, workstations, network equipment, etc. This phase is based on a PMS (Patchs Management System) which allows to prioritize the corrections according to the severity of the identified vulnerabilities. Our recommendation is to perform this phase before any pentesting operation, which will be all the more effective afterwards.
An audit based on our Cybermanager™ tool requires a large half-day workshop to answer the panel of questions. At the end of this working meeting with representative employees of the company’s organization, we are able to build a first report and a first trend on the maturity and the degree of resilience of the company towards the cyber risk. The final report with the necessary additional information is then established within a week.
By removing email and disconnecting your information system from the internet… 😃. On a more serious note, you can’t be sure you’re 100% protected and you never will be. Also, our role is to accompany companies by installing tools and setting up procedures that allow by their complementarity, to dissuade the hacker from attacking you. For a hacker, time is money: the more time he spends preparing the attack against you, the less money he will (potentially) earn by running into difficulties. If this is the case, he will abandon his target, to try to attack another one…
Whatever the size of the organization or the sector of activity, whether it is a private structure or a public body, cybersecurity is necessary to protect the organization from a malicious cyberattack. This protection is as much about People as it is about infrastructure and applications.
  • People: Because viruses and other phishing actions arrive via email and a quick click by the user can be disastrous for the company. Hence the need, beyond the technical barriers put in place in the company to train the user to the cyber gestures that will allow him to adopt the right attitude towards a threat.
  • Infrastructures: They are the gateway to your information system and are necessary for your business. Without it, the company can no longer live. We have seen far too many SMEs disappear in a few months because of a cyber attack on an information system that stopped production lines, the receipt of purchase orders, customer invoicing, orders to suppliers…
  • The applications: They represent the most sensitive and permissive part of your information system. An application flaw is enough for the hacker to destroy your data, to suck it up to resell it, to modify it without your knowledge and to disrupt the normal life of your company. Be sure to test the vulnerability of your applications, especially those in the cloud. Also remember to have a “Security by Design” approach when developing your applications.
It’s simple: unplug everything and call us! The UBCOM agency acts in the prevention of cyber risk. Nevertheless, it works closely with many trusted partners to anticipate all risks, build solid anti-compromise barriers and know the right reflexes in case of cyber attacks. Thus, we will be able to accompany you to restore your information system alongside your usual partners by having a fresh and objective look on the steps of restarting your information system, without undergoing the pressure and the shock that a cyber attack can trigger within the teams.
The SAST (Static Application Security Testing) methodology includes tools and technologies designed to detect the presence of flaws and vulnerabilities in the source code of an application. As opposed to dynamic testing, this methodology is based on a so-called static test of the code. In other words, it is an integral part of the “Security by design” process according to which the security of an application’s development is at the heart of its design, upstream of its release. A SAST campaign can then be used, for example, to detect weak random number generator code, find buffer overflows, spot SQL injection possibilities, point out cross-site scripting flaws and identify various potential hotspots that malicious actors could exploit.
Cybersecurity certifications are “the attestation of the robustness of a product carried out by a third party evaluator, according to a scheme and a reference system adapted to the security needs of users and taking into account technological developments” (source: ANSSI). Thanks to the use of UBCOM and its partners’ technologies, you can guarantee the security of your information system and assure your employees, customers, suppliers and partners that your products and services are robust, secure and verified by testing in all aspects: regulatory, software, technical, governance, management, etc.
UBCOM’s experts propose to build your cybersecurity in 5 steps: contact us via the contact forms on our website, meet with us, receive a cyber support offer, protect your organization and benefit from autonomy in managing your cyber defense. Depending on availability and the urgency of the situation, a cyber security strategy can be put in place within a few days.

UBCOM est une agence de conseils stratégiques en cybersécurité et protection du secret. De part l’expérience de ses directeurs et collaborateurs, l’agence bénéficie d’une expertise rare et unique en accompagnement de définition de stratégie cyber et de protection d’informations tactiques et stratégiques. 

Sa mission est de protéger les intérêts économiques des acteurs européens sur le marché mondial contre l’intelligence économique et l’espionnage industriel. Conscients du contexte de guerre économique dans lequel se trouve l’Europe, entre soumission numérique et perte de souveraineté, les experts d’UBCOM accordent une importance particulière à la disruption, à l’intelligence économique et à l’environnement complexe dans lequel évoluent ses partenaires.

UBCOM’s rates depend on the size of your company and evolve according to the number of employees.
Our cyber experts have assisted more than 200 companies in all sectors since the agency was founded in 2014. Some business sectors are more recurrent than others, and in case of a new business sector to protect, we always call upon experienced partners to accompany you in defining the best cyber defense strategy.
No, of course, you don’t need to have expertise in cybersecurity or secrecy protection to call on our experts and select a cyber protection package. The advantage of choosing UBCOM: simple and intuitive solutions, precise and concrete advice. With just a few clicks, you will be able to gain knowledge of the toxic flows passing through your organization, generate reports analyzing your DNS configuration, or obtain an exposé of the technical flaws in your information system, to name just a few examples.

If you have any other questions,
please contact us and we will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.