Attacks by category over the last 24 hours
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A brute force attack is the process of testing, one after the other, each possible combination of a password or key for a given ID to log in to the targeted service. This is an old and widespread method among hackers. The time it takes depends on the number of possibilities, the speed with which the attacker tests each combination and the defenses against it. Because this type of attack is relatively simple, an organization can have systems in place to protect against this type of behavior. The first line of defense is to block accounts after a limited number of failed authentications for the same login.
Malware is a generic term for any type of malicious software designed to infiltrate your device without your knowledge. Most malware infections occur when you inadvertently perform an action that results in the malware downloading. For example, you click on a link in an e-mail or visit a malicious website.
In other cases, hackers spread malware via peer-to-peer file sharing services and free software download offers. Embedding malware in a popular torrent or download is an effective way to spread it to a large user base. Mobile devices can also be infected via text/SMS messages.
Port scanning is a method of determining which ports are used to enter and exit a network. The objective of port and network scanning is to identify the organization of IP addresses, hosts and ports in order to detect possible vulnerabilities and protections.
L’hameçonnage ou phishing est une forme d’escroquerie sur internet.Le fraudeur se fait passer pour un organisme que vous connaissez (banque, service des impôts, CAF, etc.), en utilisant le logo et le nom de cet organisme. Il vous envoie un mail vous demandant généralement de “mettre à jour” ou de “confirmer vos informations suite à un incident technique”, notamment vos coordonnées bancaires (numéro de compte, codes personnels, etc.).