Open letter to the Prime Minister, Jean Castex

Open letter to the Prime Minister, Jean Castex

UBCOM and SERENICITY, in their capacity as cybersecurity and secrecy protection operators at the service of all economic actors in France, request from you the immediate lifting of the Defense Secret on the Indicators of Compromise (IOC) files. These files, necessary to reinforce the means of defense against sophisticated computer attacks, must be made accessible to all cybersecurity actors acting for French organizations (small and medium-sized businesses, large corporations, local authorities, etc.) who request it.

Currently, these knowledge bases remain accessible to the ANSSI, exclusively for the benefit of Operators of Vital Importance (OIV), Operators of Essential Services (OSE), Strategic Defense Companies (ESD) and public institutions.

Today, more than 3.5 million French companies do not have access to it!

In a context of heightened tensions, France is subject to a “scarlet” risk of computer attacks. The objective of our request to you is to face the recrudescence of opportunistic attacks targeting France, coming from all over the world, and which aim at all economic actors.

In order to reinforce the protection of national economic interests, it is in everyone’s interest that everyone can contribute to the defense effort. Cyberspace is an ever-changing front that must be addressed without delay in order to strengthen all available cyber defense shields in the civilian world. To this end, we call for exceptional measures to help any French organization to resist cyber intimidation or destabilization attempts that are about to mark the next few days.

Together, let’s put the possible and available assistance at the service of the civil society in this exceptional and historical situation. Help us by lifting the Secret Defense on the Indicators of Compromise (IOC) files. In this context and to sensitize the greatest number of people to be extremely vigilant, you will understand that this letter is made public.

In the hope of a favorable and rapid response to this letter, we ask you to accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the expression of our highest consideration.